DIY Network's series on Digital Photography aims to present the basics of this craft to the uninitiated as well as beginning digital photographers. The first topic covered in the Intro to Digital Photography episode, the 'Digital Photography Primer,' talks about the basics and the differences between digital and film photography.
Photography, like so many other things in modern life, has gone digital. As a result, a large and growing number of individuals are opting for cameras that make pictures using pixels instead of film.
There are still plenty of traditional photographers out there -- professionals, diehards, artists and purists -- stubbornly holding onto their SLR cameras, 35mm film and darkroom equipment like bulldogs. But for many people, the ease and convenience of digital photography is just too tempting to resist. That's particularly true as the PC, which is helping to integrate digital photography into the mainstream, becomes a standard fixture in typical homes.
In this workshop, professional photographer Rick Sammons discusses some of the advantages, capabilities and special features of digital photography, and provides practical advice for successful use of digital cameras and related accessories. He also covers the role of the computer -- and specialized image software -- for displaying, printing, manipulating and electronically sharing your digital pictures.
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