Digital Photography News and Digital Camera Reviews

Techniques for Winter Digital Photography

Winter digital photography can be an exhilarating experience. Winter brings with it its own unique beauty worth capturing in digital photographs, as we as its own set of challenges for the photographer. Knowing how to deal with the digital photography issues in winter will allow you to better capture the splendor of snow and ice.

by Rajendran Varma

Equipment for Winter Digital Photography

Two important considerations for digital photographers in winter are comfort and safety. Therefore, it is imperative to dress warmly and in layers for your digital photography trips in winter. The low temperatures also cause digital camera batteries to run dry faster, so make sure to take extra batteries. Condensation can also cause problems for your camera hardware, so take precautions such as not breathing directly on your camera.

Lighting for Winter Digital Photography

The light reflected off snow and ice during winter makes for very interesting lighting conditions for digital photography. However, this reflected light is very often the problem with winter photography since you can end up with too much light in your digital photographs. This results in reduced contrast and less details as well as washed out colors. One solution that is not intuitive is to use flash to help balance the light off the snow and ice, and fill in darker areas. Many newer digital cameras also have adaptive lighting technology to deal with high contrast scenes you are likely to encounter in winter digital photography.

White Balance in Winter Digital Photography

White balance can be especially tricky in winter digital photography. White balance is meant to balance colors in a shot based on the lighting conditions. However, very dark and very bright scenes can be tricky situations for your camera’s white balance, and causes winter digital photographs to turn out dark and grayish because the camera underexposes the scene. Therefore it is important to manually control settings to adjust the white balance in you digital camera. Newer digital cameras often have winter shooting modes that do this automatically.

Contrast and Color

Winter’s photographs are especially striking when the bare, white landscape is punctuated by contrasting and colorful subjects. Trees, mountains, wildlife and people all make interesting subjects for winter digital photography. The interesting patterns and textures that are unique to winter also make for intriguing subjects. As always, experiment with different shooting angles and digital camera settings.

View Amazing Winter Digital Photography